ISO Certification

ISO 14001 (certified June 6, 2007): Headquarters

ISO 14001

(Only displayed for disclosure.)
ISO 14001 Environmental Policy

Basic Principle

Based on the international standard ISO 14001, Tomita Co., Ltd. considers environmental problems a major part of its work, will consider the environment, will reduce the environmental load caused by its corporate activities, and will continue to make improvements to these ends.

Basic Policies

  • 1 Tomita will conform to environment related laws and ordinances, and consider the affect on the environment when conducting its corporate activities.
  • 2 Tomita will introduce environmental management systems to reduce the environmental load, and all employees will work to promote continuous reduction of the environmental load.
  • 3 Tomita will contribute to preserving the global environment by reducing use of resources and energy and reducing waste produced from its offices, and improving the environmental awareness of each of its employees.
  • 4 Tomita will aim to expand sales of environment-friendly products, try to reduce the environmental loads of its customers, and make contributions to society that will help to preserve the global environment.
  • 5 Tomita will establish environment goals in order to make its environment policies more specific, and it will maintain those goals while periodically reviewing them with internal environment audits.